Our Story

Curious to hear the entrepreneurial side?
Here’s a timelapse of our journey.

It all started as a pandemic hobby.

We first fell in love with kombucha because it truly changed our lives. For Helena, it improved her overall digestion, and for Daniel, it eliminated his lactose intolerance (bye, bye Lactaid pills!). It’s during this time that we started experimenting with different brewing processes to smoothen the experience and incorporate interesting, culturally-inspired flavors.

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Then we started selling at events...

It wasn’t until we began selling that we realized how unique our kombucha truly is. People kept pointing out how smooth it was to drink ours. Turns out we unintentionally solved a hurdle that stopped many from buying kombucha again; and in doing so, we’re able to get more people to want to drink kombucha and improve their gut health.

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...And soon after, leaped into retail!

We entered our first gym, office space, restaurant, and supermarket. We were learning on the fly: unsure what MOQ means, how to price at wholesale rates, and what information needs to be included on our label. We started making so many deliveries that we tossed the seats in our minivan and turned it into our delivery vehicle.

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Woot! We switched to cans.

Core to our dedication to sustainability, we invested in making a switch from bottles to cans–of which are infinitely recyclable. It was a major change to our suppliers, equipment, and packaging process. The lighter weight also meant we weren’t breaking our backs carrying so much weight anymore.

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Present Day

We’ve continued to upgrade our brewery operations, enabling us to efficiently produce a larger volume and meet our demand and more. Stay tuned as we’ll have more to share here overtime!